Setup Apple Pay with

Learn how to set up Apple Pay together with to accept frictionless credit card payments from the customers via Touch ID and Face ID.

How Apple Pay Works

Customers with Apple Pay-compatible devices can utilize this payment method to ease the process of credit card payment. Apple Pay eliminates the need to type the card information and shipping details manually. Customers only need to authorize the payment using biometric authentication such as Touch ID.


In order to configure and use Apple Pay with Pump'd, you need to prepare some business accounts and tools as follows:

  • A business account. You can send an inquiry to create a new account to here -

  • An Apple developer account; make sure you have a proper role to create identifiers and certificates.

  • A working domain with a valid SSL certificate.

  • Access to openssl command-line tool. You can learn more about OpenSSL here -

Configure Apple Pay and

Create a Merchant Identifier in Apple Developer Account

  1. Log in to your Apple Developer account.

  2. Create your merchant by going to Certificates, IDs & Profiles > Identifiers, click the plus button, select the Merchant IDs section, then click Continue. You can quickly access this section by access this URL -

  3. Choose a useful description for the merchant.

  4. For merchant ID, you should use a descriptive name to indicate both your business and the environment you will use it in, for example,

Configure as a Payment Processor

  1. Log in to your Hub Account -

  2. Go to Settings > Apple Pay and click New certificate

  3. Click Download your certificate signing request. You'll receive a .csr file. You should store this file in a convenient location as you'll need that file for your Apple Developer account.

  4. Click Continue until step 3 and leave this page open.

  5. Go back to your Apple Developer account, go to the Merchant IDs list section -, and click on the merchant you created previously.

  6. Scroll to Apple Pay Merchant Identity Certificate section and click Create Certificate.

  7. Select No to the question about processing payments in China and click Continue.

  8. Upload the.csr file and click Continue.

  9. Click Download, and store the .cer file that you received.

  10. Go back to your Hub Account, and update this .cer file.

Prepare the Domain for Validation

  1. Go back to your Apple Developer Account and access the merchant page as previous steps.

  2. Under the Merchant Domains section, click Add Domain.

  3. Enter the domain for your business and click Save.

  4. Click Download to get the .txt file.

  5. You should store this file in an accessible place. The domain verification step is not completed yet. We're going to get back to this as we configure Apple Pay on the Pump'd.

Create your Apple Pay Certificates

  1. Access your terminal and create a .csr and .key file using this command:

    openssl req -out uploadMe.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout certificate.key
  2. Inside the terminal prompt, enter your details. Make sure you leave the password blank. You'll get a .csr and .key file.

  3. Go back to your merchant page in Apple Developer Account.

  4. Under the Apple Pay Merchant Identity Certificate section, click Create Certificate.

  5. Upload the.csr file you created from the above command. It should be called uploadMe.csr if you just copy the command above.

  6. Click Continue then click Download to get your .cer file. The file name should probably be called merchant_id.cer.

  7. Convert the .cer file into a .pem file using the following command:

    openssl x509 -inform der -in merchant_id.cer -out certificate.pem


After going through all the above steps, you should have the following at your hand:

  • An Apple Merchant ID

  • A configured account that linked to your Apple Merchant.

  • A domain that linked to your Apple Merchant, and it should be in the Pending state for now.

  • A apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association.txt file that is provided by Apple when you add the domain.

  • A .key and .pem certificate files.

Enable Apple Pay in Pump'd Dashboard

After configuring Apple Developer Account and, we need to do some steps on the Pump'd dashboard to make Apple Pay fully functional.

  1. Head over your restaurant settings in your Pump'd dashboard.

  2. Click on the Payments tab and click Add Payment Method.

  3. Select Apple Pay ( in the payment method list, and click Add Method.

Get Your Keys

  1. Head over to your Hub Account and go to Settings > Channels.

  2. Create a new channel if necessary.

  3. Access your channel, under the API Keys section, you can copy the Secret key and Public key.

Update the Payment Method Settings

Next, you need to update Apple Pay ( payment method details. Specifically, we need the following fields:

Click Save to update the settings.

Verify the Domain

Go back to your merchant page in your Apple Developer account. Under the Merchant Domains sections, you should see your domain is currently in Pending status. Click Verify, the status of your domain should be Verified now.


Unable to Make Changes to Apple Pay Merchant

If you receive the warning about the Apple Pay Platform Web Merchant Terms and Conditions like the above image. You should ask your Apple Developer account holder to visit the merchant page, click on the link inside the warning, and accept the terms. Otherwise, you'll not be able to make changes to the merchant like adding domains or generate certificates.

Unable to Complete the Payments

If you receive errors when processing the payments, please check the Apple Pay certificate again. You can try to generate new certificates and update your payment settings accordingly. If the problem still happens after changing the certificates, please contact us for more supports.

Last updated